Thursday, January 27, 2005
It looks like one state is attempting to reduce the 911 surcharges on phone bills: Bismarck Tribune Online - Bismarck, ND
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Taking advantage of soft dialtone
This company is providing a VoIP device that uses the POTS soft dialtone to call 911 in an emergency. Lots of issues around this. From the article: "Life Line POTS support allows the customer the ability to utilize a standard phone line to access E911 service in the event of power or Internet outages." Light Reading - Networking the Telecom Industry
Friday, January 21, 2005
CBS News Story on E911 for cellphones
CBS News | Drugs In Nebraska Freezing Deaths "One of Hornickel's sisters, speaking at the funeral this Wednesday, says it is now her crusade to change Nebraska's 911 system to include technology to pinpoint cellular phone calls."
911 calls could be a hangup for some
It is good to see the press educating the public about VoIP phones: Post-Crescent - 911 calls could be a hangup for some
Thursday, January 20, 2005
911 Bulb Gives Signal To Emergency Workers
This is a great idea. It would be perfect if it was activated automatically when the phone dialed 911: - LOCAL 4 FINANCE - 911 Bulb Gives Signal To Emergency Workers
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Computer dispatch system crashes for two hours
Right here in Austin: Computer dispatch system crashes for two hours
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Summary of 2nd Annual EENA Conference
Always good to see what's happening on the other side of the pond: EENA - European Emergency Number Association
Monday, January 17, 2005
Solutions Sought for VOIP 911
VON Coalition lobbied Congress last week on 911 issues: Solutions Sought for VOIP 911
Friday, January 14, 2005
VoIP Regulation: What Lessons Can We Learn From Wireless?
Mentions E911 along with the other social policy issues: Internet Telephony Feature Article: VoIP Regulation: What Lessons Can We Learn From Wireless?
Post-Crescent - System would allow 911 checks
Intrado announced 911Plus Infocheck to verify location information on a phone line: Post-Crescent - System would allow 911 checks